not with the design plan of these spaces, but with the "estimated completion".
the cabinet installers showed up this morning. they are currently working on not only getting the trim and crown up on the walls in the mudroom, but will install the cabinets in the mudroom today.
the laundry room...well, thats going to have to wait.
at least a week. one of the cabinets was made incorrectly, and the new cabinet will not be ready for at least a week. without the cabinets in, the template for the counter also gets delayed.
they haven't even started making the shelving for the closets.
i will not make the deadline for next weeks big reveal.
i am a little bummed, happens, you know?
mistakes are made.
deadlines aren't always met.
i will still have some great after pictures of these spaces, but not for at least two more weeks.
here is a peek at the cabinets going in: