its friday.
how did THAT happen? (and while you are at it, please explain to me how july is almost half way over.)
i just wanted to share a few snippets of the last few weeks...
i finally made it to the "new" location of the overstock outlet store. for those of you that don't know---SLC is the headquarters of overstock.com, and they have an
outlet store. it used to be located in sandy, but is now closer to their headquarters, near the airport.
anyway, i wasn't blown away, but i do have to say that there were a lot of chairs. if you are looking for a pair of dining chairs or a sinlge upholserted chair, this would be a great place to look!
it is only open thursday, friday and saturday.
i am gearing up to decorate charlottes room. for her nightstands, i am considering an ikea hack with some simple 2 or 3 drawer dressers, with some acrylic side panels added. i am not 100% i can pull it off right now, but if i can, i think it could look amazing!
i have been in love with this nina campbell cypress wallpaper forever. i always planned on using it in my powder room, but i am considering using another wall covering in there, and using this in the toilet closet in the master.
this project is pretty far down on my to do list. but its always nice to cream.

speaking of TO DO projects, i can't wait to add more storage and functionality to my laundry room!
right now, it is literally just sheetrock and tile, with the washer and dryer sitting in the room. my plan is to add a countertop, cabinets above the washer/dryer, shallow hooks on the back wall to hang clothes, a window treatment, and possibly some wallpaper. oh, and a new light fixture! the one that is in there currently was a $5 one that i grabbed from lowes.
i have a things for round mirrors, and have grown quite a collection of them. my husband is very certain i own one of every single round mirror made, EVER. well, i had seen things online about this cute little martha stewart mirror and home depot, and when i saw it, i knew it really, really, really wanted to come live with me in my house! it is a happy addition to the other round mirrors i have!
yes, i know. this picture is UG-LY. i just thought the wood trim detail was fun...the slight inverted scallop and the hanging tassels. a more modern interpretation of this would look amazing in a kids room or powder room!
(this was taken at the zermatt resort in midway, at the tea room)
a few weeks ago i bought the smitten kitchen cookbook, and made the smores cake.
it was super yummy and worth the time and effort.
current cooking obsession: this cookbook!
it is chock full of healthy, simple, flavorful recipes that are DO-able...you know, for those times when you don't feel like shopping at three different stores for ingredients and don't have 4 hours to prepare dinner.
last night i made
this recipe, and i was blown away! my husband, who normally doesn't LOVE tilapia, had two servings, and my notoriously picky 10 year old son ate it happily and quickly.
i am in love with this ceramic tray that i bought at target!
it does such a great job of corralling the items on my countertop, and i love having a collection of fresh herbs here as well.
when we visited my brother and his family in boise a few weeks ago, we went swimming...the sun was setting and the light was so beautiful, and i was taking a few pictures of the kids and the setting, and after i took this picture, i noticed the little bird that was captured, mid-flight.
i thought it was pretty magical.
lacrosse has taken over our lives...but in a good way. (aren't heard up little lacrosse boys the cutest?)
about a year ago, my son was begging for a new butt-end for his lacrosse stick. when my husband and son looked at the available butt-ends, they didn't see any that they could customize...or that were available in the colors he wanted. my son came up with an idea to made a butt end that had a removable piece that you could pop off of the actual butt end (leaving it taped/attached to the stick), and change it out! after some research, phone calls, designing, and scheming, my sons idea, (which has become quite the hobby for my husband!)
is available!
yep---that little red "tag" in the middle pops out, and you can trade it out for another color and design!
i have never been witness to the process that brings a product from an idea to production, so this has been a fun journey to watch!
anyway, if someone you know plays lacrosse, be sure to check out their website! there will be more colors and designs available over the coming months, AND if you want something to be custom made for your team, just contact them and they can make it happen!
happy weekend everyone!!