as soon as we moved into house #1,
i bought a pair of urns for my front porch.
i love the symmetry it creates,
and enjoy the yearly ritual of selecting
the color scheme for the flowers.
i am currently on my third pair of urns.
the first pair broke, and we left the second
pair in tennessee when we moved to utah.
last year, i filled my new urns with
mini cypress trees, and a mixture of
red and purple flowers mixed with creeping rosemary.
i was hoping to keep the cypress trees alive,
but they died. i am really diligent
about watering the precious content of
my planters for the first few months,
but once september hits,
i lose all interest and every thing dies.
so, i am currently trying to decide what to do this year...
i usually try to have some type of tree in the
center of the urn. i really love the height it
creates, and it is a great backdrop to the
colorful flowers.
i love the pink + white in these urns.
this look is bold and bright.
two shades of pink are nice here.
this one is amazing!
i love the colors.
i like the wild look in this urn...
and the blues and purples are really soothing.
this one is gor------geous!
love the orange.
i could just fill my urns with herbs...
or succulents.
i love the way this looks!
do you have any "tried and true"
plants that you have used in the past?
if so, let me know---
i need all the help i can get!
images found via: country living,