Aug 26, 2011

design sponge feature

thanks to my friend jen who submitted her library to design*sponge.
it was featured yesterday. you can check it out here.

and MANY thanks for all the comments on yesterdays post. i try to focus on
the *pretty and the *positive, but life is not all roses and was so great to
read all of the comments and know that i am not alone, and that there are a lot of 
people out there rooting for me. thank you, thank you!



  1. i saw this... the tray ceiling adds such great texture.

  2. I love this! I need help with the my room that's supposed to be a dining room...and this is exactly what I want! It's just beautiful!

  3. I love your work, I soo need help with a spare bedroom/craft please!!

  4. I need you, I need you, I need you! After the blood, sweat, and tears of literally building our own home five year ago I’ve been paralyzed by fear of decorating. We’ve barely added a thing to the walls and the house is void of color. The worst is our kitchen island that is shaped like male anatomy and then there our poor 4 year old daughter who has nothing but the builder shade paint in her room. I could keep going but our need is far and deep! Please, please, please pick us as the winner!

  5. You have great vision. I am torn as to where I would need you most, but the kitchen seems the most challenging, Ushaped with a window and 3 doors, NOT open to the dining area, ugh!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I would have a really hard time deciding which room to tackle. All the rooms in our house are in various states of progress since moving in just over a year ago! I feel like I can only get so far with my own vision. I think I'd probably tackle the living room to see what you'd do with what's there!
