Apr 10, 2014

deep blue paint picks

a few deep blues to fall in love with...

have you used any of these blues before? 
any other suggestions?
i would love to hear your thoughts!


  1. All gorgeous! Wish I had the guts to use them...

  2. I thought you had gone with the van deusen? Or that's done and you're asking for other blue suggestions? I love them all… and I'm not a blue person! But somehow these rich, dark blues transcend the color blue. Anyway, they work for me! I've seen ProvidenceBlue in a dining room and it's glorious.

  3. Crap. I was sold on Smokestack Gray until I saw your office, and now these blues. I need to decide fast - I'm painting over the long Easter weekend. Your office is already amazing!

    1. oooo! dont shy away from smokestack! these blues are a little more blue than smokestack, but i still think it will be so pretty! :)

    2. Glad you said that...I was going all wishy washy. I'll stick to he plan 😀

  4. Love these! I'm painting my new butler's pantry Snake River, which is a Kelly Moore. I love the dark blues!

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