Sep 3, 2010

outdoor entertaining: space + place

some outdoor spaces where i dream 
of spending time...
looking for some furniture to go with that great view? one place to try is garden furniture sets @ Shackletons.


  1. love those...that last makes me rethink...I could live with just a few porch alcoves around the house instead of a wrap around. how cozy!

  2. Beautiful! Makes me realize how much I've got to do to my back yard.

  3. Found you via Heidi Claire....lovely images k

  4. These are gorgeous, and that furniture is beautiful. I'd never be able to keep white clean like that, even with a patio chair cover, but still! If only.

  5. These are gorgeous, and that furniture is beautiful. I'd never be able to keep white clean like that, even with a patio chair cover, but still! If only.

  6. Do you have any idea where the house on the second to last picture is? I've been tracking this picture for hours now trying to find out and the line stops here! Hope you can help. Thanks! -Lilly

  7. Do you have any idea where the house on the second to last picture is? I've been tracing the photo for hours, trying to find out and the line stops here! Hope you can help!
