as i was planning the design of my mini office, i was contacted by the folks at staples, who wanted to know if i was interested in using some of their products to make my office as efficient as possible.
now, i am a little bit of a nerd when it comes to organizing. my husband likes to joke that i like to buy "containers for my containers", and i have to admit there is a lot of truth to that statement!
of course, i was pretty thrilled, and have been SO happy with the items that i chose!

the bottom drawer has come in handy for all of my labels! the top stack and fit component is a great place to store those little odds and ends that never seem to have a really home!
don't even get me started on the retro style pencil sharpener! i have gone through at least 3 pencil sharpeners in the last few years, and i finally decided to opt for a good old fashioned manual one. this one is just like the one i remember from elementary school--SOLID and sturdy and works amazingly well.
i took a chance and decided to order some of these oskar storage boxes. they come in some really pretty colors, but i chose gray.
they are really amazing. very sturdy, and they actually come with a metal label holder, but my shelves were too shallow, and so i turned them to the side and added these chalkboard labels.
they hold items that i do not need to access very often. like sharpies that i don't want my kids stealing.
i am really in love with these clear "project cases".
they have done an amazing job at making my fabric samples and trim samples more accessible.

i love that they easily stack and fit on even the shallowest shelf space.
perhaps my favorite things are my coordinating file folders and file hangers! they make my file drawer look so pulled together. the avery martha stewart labels add just a touch of color, and for the first time ever, all of my files are labeled properly and look great.
i actually had an AHA moment, and decided it would serve me better inside the armrest of my car!
i have been hunting for something that would fit all of the items that i use a lot, and this was the perfect fit!
the box actually has little fold out organizers so that you can customize the box to fit your needs, which is completely genius!
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and, now some good news:
staples is offering $100 to one lucky reader to choose one home office item up to $100 in any of these three categories:
just leave a comment and you will be entered! i will be selecting a winner on MONDAY. so, someone will have a very happy memorial day.
i will announce the winner on instagram---and will also respond to their comment on the blog!
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