Feb 2, 2010

insanely great

heather bullard's blog is full of
scrumptious photos, and great ideas.
here is her latest:
diy mason soap jar disenser.
love it!
she has a complete tutorial here


  1. GREAT idea. I've seen similar ones retail for around $30 and I've always thought it seemed a little silly. You could also use these to dispense lotion. I love old jars!


  2. this is so "up my alley" love soap & mason jars!

  3. I agree -- this one is going to travel blogland for quite some time. I love it!

  4. Hello Autumn ~I've just strolled in for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. You've got so many wonderful ideas. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.
    We share similar tastes for so many of the same creative design elements.
    When winter landed on our doorstep...it provided me the motivation for a few indoor DIY projects.
    It's wonderful how inspiring blog friends like Heather can be, that's why I love returning the gesture, by sharing cooking or DIY ideas too.

    I've joined your followers and bookmarked you in my favorites.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,
