ooooh, i know!
it has been FOR---ever since i wrote a "buy this, not that" post!
if you haven't checked out the other posts in this series, click here for the tuesday morning, ross and florida gift shop versions.
the intro:
ever walk into a store, and see something fabulous, and then, right next to it,
is something that is the SAME price, but it is frumpy and, well...not fabulous?
that happens to me all the time...and i wonder to myself..."why would anyone buy THAT, when they can buy THIS, and it's at least 10 times better than THAT?"
and so, this series was born.
realize that by reading this and looking at these pictures, that you are getting my big, fat
opinions and you should not get offended if you have, in fact, bought "that". and, of course, EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion. and these are MINE.
ok, here goes....
buy this:
great shape.
can go anywhere.
it's a keeper.
great shape.
can go anywhere.
it's a keeper.
not that:
this mirror looks like it should be hanging in the type of restaurant where everyone gets sick after eating.
(also....i am pretty sure that if you looked at this mirror long enough, it would burn a hole
in your retina.)
(also....i am pretty sure that if you looked at this mirror long enough, it would burn a hole
in your retina.)
buy this:
simple metallic frames and frames with interesting textures allow your pictures to shine.
these are really nice options.
not that:
sorta looks like someone got boozed up and took a decoupage class.
and also, that someone REALLY likes butterflies.
and also, that someone REALLY likes butterflies.
buy this:
simple, sturdy baskets like this can be a lifesaver around any house. i use mine to corral magazines, "ugly" books, and other objects that i need around, but don't necessarily want to look at.
not that:
first lets talk about the shape. there is nothing "wrong" with it, but a more simple shape, like a square or round basket would be so much more classy. and what is up with that weird shell thing? and why does it remind me of star trek?
buy this:
simple cloth napkins should be a staple in any hostesses arsenal. these are a pretty color,
and the simple detail on the edge is nice.
not that:
this napkin looked and felt like fine mesh wire.
you would totally bleed if you used it to wipe your face!
you would totally bleed if you used it to wipe your face!
buy this:
if this pillow were a person, it would tell you about adventures overseas and give you wonderful advice on all kinds of stuff. (i have actually used this pillow in an e-design project before! the colors of this pillow are a great starting point for a color scheme for a room.)
not that:
if this pillow were a person, they would run into your heels with their shopping cart while in line at the store and talk REALLY loudly and graphically on their cell phone about their recent trip to the proctologist.
no thanks.
buy this:
simple shape?
great, classic color?
buy TWO!
not that:
this looks like it was fired in the pits of hell...and please know that hulk hogan
owns a matching camaro.
owns a matching camaro.
buy this:
yes, please!
mercury glass is reflective and looks great in any room.
me likey.
not that:
"hey, i have been all over EVERY store in town looking for a slightly irridescent ceramic penguin-----
oh!!! yes!!! you have them! i am SO happy!"
-said no one, ever.
buy this:
interesting colors.
looks handmade.
useful as a paper weight or decorative object in a bookcase.
this is a pretty great buy.
not that:
what is THIS??
monstrous describes this in more than one way.
just walk away, folks.
buy this:
monstrous describes this in more than one way.
just walk away, folks.
buy this:
objects like this can look great in a house or garden.
i like for things like this to have some meaning to their owners, so if you have traveled abroad and
this type of item brings back memories, i say go for it. (if not, think again.)
i like for things like this to have some meaning to their owners, so if you have traveled abroad and
this type of item brings back memories, i say go for it. (if not, think again.)
not that:
i have no words for this.
for real? how many people sat around a board room table and said "yes" to get this thing manufactured?
they should all be fired.
buy this:

nice shape?
simple reflective glass?
subtle textural shade?
buy me!
not that:
i have no words for this.
for real? how many people sat around a board room table and said "yes" to get this thing manufactured?
they should all be fired.
buy this:
nice shape?
simple reflective glass?
subtle textural shade?
buy me!
not that:
this lamp is just a little TOO much, ya know?
the two tone metal scrolls on the base.
the grommets.
the bow.
the scrolls stenciled on the shade....
it's overkill.
there are so many things to look at, that it makes me not want to look at ANY of it.
buy this:
as far as decorative hooks go, this one is pretty cute.the two tone metal scrolls on the base.
the grommets.
the bow.
the scrolls stenciled on the shade....
it's overkill.
there are so many things to look at, that it makes me not want to look at ANY of it.
buy this:
it has an "anthopologie-esque" quality that i find appealing. it would work well in a bedroom,
mudroom or girls room.
not that:
ok, ok.
i PROMISE that i don't hate butterflies.
i actually really like them...but not the glittery, fake-shattered glass version.
you can do better.
buy this:
i actually really like them...but not the glittery, fake-shattered glass version.
you can do better.
buy this:
i could go ON and ON about the benefits of having at least one set of all-white dishes, serving bowls and platters. when i got married, i bought a set of 6 plates/saladplates/bowls from pottery barn. once my family got bigger, i bought a set of 15. we use these dishes every day. i also have a set of blue + white dishes from horchow, and these thomas paul plates that are great for outdoors. but, i like my white dishes the best!
not that:
not that:
these aren't horrible...
and that's all i have to say 'bout that...(said in forrest jump voice)
buy this:
and that's all i have to say 'bout that...(said in forrest jump voice)
buy this:
the texture on this chair is great, and it is transitional enough to go with just about any decor.
the straight back and slight curve at the base of the woven seat are nice details.
not that:
the straight back and slight curve at the base of the woven seat are nice details.
not that:
i know pleather is super-tempting because it wipes up like a dream,
but the brown on brown isn't going to add any life/texture/personality/interest to your space.
(if you have something like this, consider buying or making some cute slipcovers in an indoor/outdoor fabric!)
buy this:
but the brown on brown isn't going to add any life/texture/personality/interest to your space.
(if you have something like this, consider buying or making some cute slipcovers in an indoor/outdoor fabric!)
buy this:
this chair would look nice in a sunroom or a kids room. i like the texture and shape,
and with a different cushion and accent pillow, this chair could look fabulous.
and with a different cushion and accent pillow, this chair could look fabulous.
not that:
this chair is RAD.
IF.... it was 1984.
and you are 14 years old.
back then i think that every teenager begged their parents for THIS papasan chair
AND a calculator watch for their birthday.
(thank goodness they are so lightweight. makes it easy to carry them to the curb on donate day.)
IF.... it was 1984.
and you are 14 years old.
back then i think that every teenager begged their parents for THIS papasan chair
AND a calculator watch for their birthday.
(thank goodness they are so lightweight. makes it easy to carry them to the curb on donate day.)
buy this:
textural throws like this can add another layer of interest to a room. this one was nice and soft,
and i could totally see it working in just about any room.
haha, great post!
ReplyDeleteI love all of your comments and totally agree! And you must have loved all the "best of autumn" signs ;)
When we moved into this apt, my husband insisted we get two pappasan chairs while we shopped for a couch, they now reside in storage and I HATE them. I really hope he doesn't try to take them with us when we move in Jan. ::shudder::
haha! LOVE this post! I agree with you on everything except for the red vase. I actually think those vases/bowls from Italy are really pretty and look way more expensive than they actually are. But like you said, everyone has a different opinion :)
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't like the rainbow bright throw either, I suppose it could look cute in a white/bright nursery draped over the side of a white crib. You could mimic the colors here and there throughout the room in small doses. Maybe???
Great Post!! Just went and read the older ones as well.
ReplyDeleteThat lamp was crazy...grommets/bow??? Must have been the midnight shift when someone approved that.
true!! they were firmly of the "more is more" mentality for sure!
DeleteThis series always makes me laugh out loud!!! No way those mirrors are the same price. I agreed with all your buys - except the pillows - both were too over the top for me!!! Ha! Have a great day! M.
ReplyDeletePier One is the PERFECT store for a this not that post! I was there recently thinking how easily someone without taste could fall prey to the crap and miss the diamonds. Now they won't have to!
ReplyDeleteI want to like Pier 1...but every time I go in, I walk around and around and usually end up deciding I'll have more fun & spend less at Home Goods. I agree with everything you've picked...except that I don't *hate* that last throw, it has some fun colors.
ReplyDeleteScrolls, a stencil, grommets, AND a ribbon!
ReplyDeleteLooks like someone just took all the leftovers and made herself a lamp.
Ironically, my husband was a Pier 1 yesterday to buy a gift, and he said he couldn't find anything. Reading your post, I'm not surprised.
This is a good post. You know what? I forgot all about calculator watches but not those papasan chairs...never did like them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything, except the Buddha Cat. Buddha Cat is just a whole different level of wonderfulness.....very....different.
ReplyDeleteha! i actually love that you love buddha cat. hilarious! :)
DeleteI laughed out loud reading this post. Love it! I loved it so much,that I shared it with my readers.
ReplyDeleteThis post made me laugh out loud! I love pier one 50% of the time... but I seriously question quite a bit of their merchandise. :) Love it! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love these posts from you and agree with every single one.
ReplyDeleteDid you buy anything on that trip?
nope! i didn't buy anything...!
I absolutely love the octagon mirror from Pier1! I used it in a client's den and it was just the right piece and at a great price too! Thanks for the fun post!
that mirror is so pretty! i am sure it looked amazing in your clients den...
Your blog is a good one.
ReplyDeleteAffordable design