Aug 24, 2010


i couldn't resist sharing these 
lovely images from my stash.
isn't this garden magical?
i love that little stone shed, but if something like that doesn't fit in your budget, you can check out 
garden studios at tunstall garden buildings.

a fabulous garden always needs to have at least a small patch of great grass for relaxing and playing.

little gardens like this are the perfect place for a small outbuilding---perhaps one that houses gardening supplies or even a bike shed.

right now, i am the caretaker of
 three beautiful, growing children,
but someday i would love to 
tend to a gorgeous garden.
so for now, i will just gather pictures 
for future inspiration + perspiration!


  1. I can't imagine living with such a stunning back yard--mostly because my thumb is every color *but* green! Beautiful to look at. Thanks!
